swift - UIToolBar with UICollectionView -

i have uitoolbar view has uicollectionview in it.

the toolbar text view collectionview collectionview filled user mentions. if in textview type "@m" display usernames begin match letter "m".

it used not in toolbar, realized didn't dismiss interactive dismisses of keyboard , adding toolbar fixed that. (it hover in middle of screen during interactive dismiss , wouldn't go away)

however user interaction doesn't work on anymore (despite being enabled in ib)

here set of toolbar:

override var canbecomefirstresponder: bool{     return true }  override var inputaccessoryview: uiview?{     return self.typingview } 

//inside viewdidload:

    let separator = uiview(frame: cgrect(x:0 , y: 0, width: screensize.width(), height: 1))     separator.backgroundcolor = uicolor.lightbackgroundgrey     self.typingview.addsubview(separator)     self.typingview.istranslucent = false     self.typingview.setshadowimage(uiimage(), fortoolbarposition: .any)     self.typingview.setbackgroundimage(uiimage(), fortoolbarposition: .any, barmetrics: .default)     self.typingview.removefromsuperview()     self.setupmentionablecollectionview() //sets delegate , data source 

since created toolbar in ib, have height constraints on toolbar and/or collectionview, should update whenever contentsize of collectionview changes.

i think what's going on frame of collectionview (which subview of toolbar) larger frame of toolbar, that's why can't click it.

just self.collectionviewheightconstraint.constant = whatever , self.typingviewheightconstraint.constant = whatever + defaultheight , should solve problem.


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