smtp - How to set outgoing mail settings with a specific mail server for JIRA on a Google Cloud Virtual Machine? -

i have jira software on google vm (with ubuntu 16.04) , have domain , hosting (let's luckily, website hosting provides me email hosting too.

but, can't send emails specific email host (which using jira on google vm because keep getting error;

sockettimeoutexception: connect timed out.

i have checked settings jira outgoing emails lots of time. however, can't find solution..

here configuration made on jira software outgoing emails;

name: example mail server

from adress:

smtp port: 587

timeout: 10000

tls: unchecked


password: *******

by way, checked sent couple of emails internal system of "". in addition, connected outlook account , sent emails same configuration above successfully.

i opened ports 587 , 25 on instance, too. configuration; egress-> ip range: -> allow traffic -> tcp:587; udp:587; tcp:25; udp:25

what think problem? google vm's firewall? (because i've read article on google telling google vms try not allow email ports 587 , 25)

if is, how can use sendgrid send emails

thank help.


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