javascript - iOS - Load website in WKWebview and then print EVERY piece of content -

hey need grab contents of webpage.

usually, i'd urlsession.shared.datatask(with: url problem website not static, has rendered (including javascript comes it) , times out , refreshes content every 10 seconds (which absolutely necessary).

thankfully, don't need of heavy lifting wkwebview supports don't know how grab contents. specifically, need grab png file being delivered page (probably js) - but, again, works, it's right on screen in front of me have no idea how "digitalize" it.

my last resort programmatically take screenshot of website put whole project's reliability @ stake.

tl;dr want "grab" wkwebview contains , programmatically navigate through elements dom parser/xpath. real "goal" uiimage png appears on website after opening it. it doesn't have wkwebview, happy if works

edit: thankfully image (qr) wasn't send server generated in javascript able print wkwebview's content via javascript , generate image based on (will edit post in couple of hours , add javascript snippet) i'd still interested other possible solutions.


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