Google Search Appliance - clarification for Query Suggestions saving for "90 Days" -

the gsa documentation on query suggestions says "the search appliance automatically refreshes query suggestions every 24 hours , keeps them 90 days." know 90 days means?

  • if suggestions refreshed every 24 hours, 90 day timer reset every time?
  • is 90 day referring time search run user resulted in creation of query suggestion? , if user later on "used" query suggestion - reset expiration date?
  • can adjust length of expiration?

any appreciated!

basically, query suggestions composed of queries have been executed in last 90 days. therefore, if search on day 1 , day 89, term present longer 90 days.

i know of no way extend 90 days. however, has positive benefit - things people no longer search no longer appear suggestions.


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