python - The system cannot find the path specified - FirefoxDriver.exe -

i doing sample selenium code python 3.5 opening link when executing py showed followingf error.. firefoxdriver.exe exists in given path.. , i've added path in environmental variables too.. still error exists.. can me out of this..

my py :

from selenium import webdriver selenium.webdriver.common.keys import keys  browser = webdriver.firefox('c:\\pythonselenium\\firefoxdriver.exe') browser.get(parameters['']) 

==================== restart: c:/pythonselenium/ ==================== traceback (most recent call last):

file "c:/pythonselenium/", line 4, in <module>     driver = webdriver.firefox('c:\\pythonselenium\\firefoxdriver.exe')   file "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\firefox\", line 134, in __init__     firefox_profile = firefoxprofile(firefox_profile)   file "c:\python36\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\firefox\", line 78, in __init__     ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns("parent.lock", "lock", ".parentlock"))   file "c:\python36\lib\", line 303, in copytree     names = os.listdir(src) filenotfounderror: [winerror 3] system cannot find path specified: 'c:\\pythonselenium\\firefoxdriver.exe' 

if have driver in path, should able use without providing arguments this:

browser = webdriver.firefox() 

you should restart system after you've changed environmental variables on windows changes take effect.


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