php - how to connect with grpc server with some metadata in python? -

i need connect grpc server metadata ,such username , password.from grpc docs,the php code clear,i think code work:

$client = new routeguide\routeguideclient('', [ 'credentials' => grpc\channelcredentials::createssl(file_get_contents("xxx.pem")), 'update_metadata' => $metaprocessor, 'grpc.ssl_target_name_override' => '',]);  $metaprocessor = function($metadata,$client = []){ $values = $metadata; $values[username] = ['xxx']; $values[password] = ['yyy']; return $values;}  list($resp,$status) = $client->getmarketdata(request)->wait(); 

but need achieve same thing in python.python docs not clear,so how write python code same thing php code does?

stubs have metadata field.

ex: stub.sayhello(helloworld_pb2.hellorequest(name='you'), metadata=[('key','value')])


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