html - Using document.getSelection() to get data to array like document.getSelection().toString() does for strings -

i have table in angular js filtering. want have selected data in table in array rows[] of arrays cell[]. why cannot export table data. have tried document.getselection().tostring() class , .split failed elements in table might consist of more 1 word blanks in between.

is there way loop thru object document.getselection() , distinguish between rows , cells?

with data text, need array:

    var txt = '';     if (document.getselection) {         txt = document.getselection().tostring();      } else if (document.selection) {         txt = document.selection.createrange().text;     } 

here object:

    if (document.getselection) {         txt = document.getselection();      } else if (document.selection) {         txt = document.selection.createrange();     }     console.log(txt) 

selection { anchornode: , anchoroffset: 0, focusnode: , focusoffset: 3, iscollapsed: false, rangecount: 1, caretbidilevel: 0 }

actually answer quite easy. had use document.getselection().tostring() function , use split("/n") lines array, used split again separate elements tab added between column cells.

var tmp = []; var rows = []; var cells = []; tmp = txt.split("\n"); (var i=0; i<tmp.length; i++) {   cells.length = 0;   cells = tmp.split("\t");   rows.push(cells); } 


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