typescript - rxJs Subject, error in subscriptions kills the whole stream -

i know known behavior desribed here

basic problem described in link above, here relevant code (taken link)

// going behave strangely const source$ = observable.interval(1000).share(); const mapped$ = source$.map(x => {   if (x === 1) {     throw new error('oops');   }   return x; }); source$.subscribe(x => console.log('a', x)); mapped$.subscribe(x => console.log('b', x)); source$.subscribe(x => console.log('c', x)); // "a" 0 // "b" 0 // "c" 0 // "a" 1 // uncaught error: "oops" 

an error in subscription terminate whole source stream.

the solution observable use .observeon(rx.scheduler.asap);

i'm new whole reactive programming , struggle apply solution subject because subject doesn't support observeon.

but need subject because need push new values steam.

how can workaround problem or use observeon subject?

observeon returns observable. struggle how combine observeon subject. how use observeon , still able push values subject?

here's current code (simplified)

export class myclass{      private messages: subject<message> = new subject<message>();      dispatchmessage(message: message) {       this.messages.next(message); } 



for using angular (like me), observeon might have undesired side effects. https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/14316

just additional information comes question.

in case need separate reference subject reference chain after append observeon operator:

const subject$ = new subject(); const obs$ = subject$.observeon(...);  obs$.subscribe(...); subject$.next(...); 


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