How to Add a new version of java rest API - Springboot -

how shall add new version of controller class in rest api? here scenario.

my current rest api version set in below


we using springfox swagger ui. swagger api docs path mentioned in same below


few controllers created , mapped example @requestmapping("/address")

i able access address controller using url /my_rest_api/v1/address , api-docs accessible under url '/my_rest_api/v1/api-docs'. have few modifications required in existing address controller. backward compatibility need keep current version also. plan create version 2 of rest api. best approach this.

i thinking create new version of address controller @requestmapping("/v2/address") , change current address controller @requestmapping("/v1/address") , remove version server context server.contextpath=/my_rest_api/ . right approach?? if no please advice. if way ok. how shall set springfox.documentation.swagger.v2.path=/api-docs each version?. new this.. appreciated.


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