matlab - matlab2tikz error plotting image with alphadata -

i plotting matrix ("i1") has nan values through imagesc command. can see in code have set such nan values should plotted in white

i = magic(10); i1 = nan(10); i1(4:6,4:6) = i(4:6,4:6); f1 = figure(); h = imagesc(i1); colormap jet; set(h,'alphadata',~isnan(i1)) axis tight; axis equal; axis on; matlab2tikz('file.tex') 

i need convert such image in matlab2tikz (see indeed last line of script) obtain following error:

error using writepng>parseinputs (line 349) value of 'alpha' invalid. expected input 1 of these types:double, uint8, uint16

instead type logical.

can overcome problem? in advance

all have convert transparencies double. right now, array of type logical , transparency data can 1 of double, uint8 or uint16. given nature of array, want non nan visible while values nan transparent, want 0/1 data, not true/false.

simply convert double after fact:



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