Decompose microservices: Business capability vs Domain -

as read, there 2 patterns define 1 microservice, business capability , subdomain. still find ambiguous. confused how these 2 patterns differentiate each other. both of them revolve around activities involving area of business logic. of components in each service small enough packaged each other without affecting other services. please give me further explanation these two?

the commenters right - there subjective definitions @ play here. there principles , concepts can reason different approaches.

conway's law

it's not strictly original definition, think distinction can better understood reference conway's law:

any organization designs system (defined broadly) produce design structure copy of organization's communication structure.

the inverse conway manouvre

following thinking, inverse conway maneuver evolved:

the 'inverse conway maneuver' recommends evolving team , organizational structure promote desired architecture. ideally technology architecture display isomorphism business architecture.

the inverse conway maneuver attempt structure organisation harness conway's law achieve better system design.

decomposition business capability

with understanding of these concepts, can consider decomposition business capability guiding system design according way business structured. echos conway's law.

the pro of approach helps ensure alignment between development teams , business structural units. con may bake business inefficiencies arose before automated system considered, design of system.

decomposition domain

domain driven design (ddd) provides suite of tools , methodologies reason underlying domain @ hand, reflect best available understanding of domain in software design , evolve software design understanding of domain grows , changes. ddd strategic patterns guide creation of context map can form foundation of microservices decomposition.

from this, can consider decomposition domain guiding system design according analysis of processes , information flows .

the pro of approach can lead system design closely models reality of happening (or needs happen). business structure aligns - doesn't, can reveal inefficiencies in existing business organisational structure.

if have influence on organisational structure, can foundation utilising inverse conway maneuver , allow evolve software, dev teams , business units achieve alignment.

if don't, may end introducing friction points system design becomes misaligned business capabilities.


the reality is, neither approach mutually exclusive - end compromise attempts balance alignment business capabilities understood , problem domains revealed through ddd process.


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