meteor - React component shown as Unknown -

my react component gets rendered react tree unknown 1 though named stateless functional default export. props relayed correctly since component's name isn't shown in tree tests fail. did miss?

the main component tested.

import react 'react'; import {meteor} 'meteor/meteor'; import {createcontainer} 'meteor/react-meteor-data'; import proptypes 'prop-types';  import {notes} '../api/notes'; import notelistheader './notelistheader'; import notelistitem './notelistitem'; import notelistemptyitem './notelistemptyitem';  export const notelist = (props) => {   return (     <div>       <notelistheader />       <br />       notelist {props.notes.length}       {props.notes.length === 0 ? <notelistemptyitem /> : undefined}       { => {         return <notelistitem key={note._id} note={note} />       })}     </div>   ); };  notelist.proptypes = {   notes: proptypes.array.isrequired };  export default createcontainer(() => {   meteor.subscribe('notes');    return {     notes: notes.find().fetch()   }; }, notelist); 

the tests file. components notelistitem , notelistemptyitem rendered unknown ones.

import react 'react'; import {meteor} 'meteor/meteor'; import expect 'expect'; import {mount} 'enzyme';  import {notelist} './notelist';  const notes = [   {     _id: "notelist_test_id_1",     title: "notelist_test_title_1",     body: "notelist_test_body_1",     updatedat: 0,     userid: "notelist_test_userid_1"   },   {     _id: "notelist_test_id_2",     title: "notelist_test_title_2",     body: "notelist_test_body_2",     updatedat: 0,     userid: "notelist_test_userid_2"   } ];  if (meteor.isclient) {   describe("notelist", function() {      it("should render notelistitem each of 2 notes", function() {       const wrapper = mount(<notelist notes={notes} />);        expect(wrapper.find('notelistitem').length).tobe(2);       expect(wrapper.find('notelistemptyitem').length).tobe(0);     });      it("should render notelistemptyitem if 0 notes", function() {       const wrapper = mount(<notelist notes={[]} />);        expect(wrapper.find('notelistitem').length).tobe(0);       expect(wrapper.find('notelistemptyitem').length).tobe(1);     });    }); } 

one of components test. gets rendered unknown component test component.

import react 'react'; import proptypes 'prop-types'; import moment 'moment';  const notelistitem = (props) => {   return (     <div>       <h5>{props.note.title || "untitled"}</h5>       <p>{props.note._id} - {moment(props.note.updatedat).format(' hh:mm:ss')}</p>     </div>   ); };  notelistitem.proptypes = {   note: proptypes.object.isrequired };  export default notelistitem; 

the terminal output shows

unable resolve modules:   "react/addons" in /d/full stack web apps/short-lnk-boilerplate/node_modules/enzyme/build/react-compat.js (web.browser)   "react/lib/reactcontext" in /d/full stack web apps/short-lnk-boilerplate/node_modules/enzyme/build/react-compat.js (web.browser)   "react/lib/executionenvironment" in /d/full stack web apps/short-lnk-boilerplate/node_modules/enzyme/build/react-compat.js (web.browser) 

meteor suggests running meteor npm install --save react did still terminal output remains same.


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