amazon web services - AWS Launch Configuration error: The requested configuration is currently not supported -

i have created launch configuration creating auto scaling group.

when create auto scaling group launch configuration, below error:

description:descriptionlaunching new ec2 instance. status reason: requested configuration not supported. please check documentation supported configurations. launching ec2 instance failed.  cause:causeat 2017-08-15t10:54:52z instance started in response difference between desired , actual capacity, increasing capacity 0 1. 

i looked around , found this link. however, doesn't tell me isn't supported, doesn't much.

my launch configuration looks this:

enter image description here

my auto scaling group looks this:

enter image description here


enter image description here

sorry had block items out has client's data.

any input help. there no information anywhere in logs, don't know go here.

ps: have tried changing instance type had no luck. thought might cause apparently not.

figured out. vpc set dedicated tenancy, doesn't support types of instances. dedicated setting done in error actually. deleted vpc (you can't seem change it's tenancy setting) , created new one, followed steps launch configuration , asg created instances without problem.

i hope helps someday.


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