datastep - Is there a way to force cleansing the raw data before importing it via a data step, in SAS? -

sas eg

i have tab delimited text file has imported every month. wrote import procedure via data step.

data lib.txtimp; %let _efierr_=0; infile "file/path/tabdlm.txt" lrecl=256 dlm='09'x missover firstobs=2 dsd; informat <vars>; format <vars>; input <vars>; if _error_ call symput('_efierr_',1); run; 

a recent problem had there times when datalines have 2 tabs mistake. text file huge, in order of 500mb. tried automate process writing above, doesn't take problem in consideration. writes blank in place. when use in-built 'import data', first cleanses raw file , runs intermediate data step give desired output. doesn't give me blank in column. ignores tab.

an example of problem text file.

col1   col2   col3 1     b 2   foo   bar 3      wayout   data 4        example 

sample file

is there way can automate cleansing process data step import? or, guys know steps should add of sort?

remove dsd option. dsd option tells sas treat 2 consecutive delimiters missing, whereas standard approach treat 2 consecutive delimiters single delimiter.

i cannot replicate issue. code works fine me on sas 9.4 ts1m3.

data txtimp; infile "c:\_localdata\temp\sample_tab_dlm_file.txt"  missover lrecl=256 dlm='09'x  firstobs=2 ; input col1 $ col2 $ col3 $; run; 


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