vue.js - Why Data gets leaked into sibling Instance of Component when Removed vue 2 -

i building following scenario. parent creates multi instances of child component. each child holds data via input field. child can ask removed , parent removes instance. far good. problem, instance removed, data gets passed/leaked next sibling instance , if instance holding data, gets moved other next-to-it instance. have reproduced on fiddle

or see below

    vue.component('child', {      	props:['data'],          template: `              <div>                  index# {{data}}: {{messages}}                  <input type="text" v-model="text" @keypress.enter="addmessage" placeholder="add data delete it">                  <button @click="addmessage">add</button>                  <button @click="$emit('delete-me')">delete</button>              </div>`,              data() {              	return {                	messages:[],                  text: ''                }              },              methods: {              	addmessage() {                	this.messages.push(this.text)                  this.text = ''                }              }      })            vue.component('parent', {          template: `              <div>                  keep adding new instances                   <button @click="newchild">new</button>                  <hr />                  <child v-for="(child, index) in children" key="index"                  v-on:delete-me="deletethisrow(index)""                  :data="child"                  ></child>              </div>`,              data() {              	return {                	children:[]                }          },          methods: {          	newchild() {            	this.children.push(this.children.length)            },            deletethisrow(index) {                  this.children.splice(index, 1);              }          }      })            new vue({          el: '#app',          template: `              <div>              		<parent />                                </div>          `,                    methods: {                        }      })                
<script src=""></script>  <div id="app"></div>

two mistakes in here:

  1. :key instead of key

reason: since dynamic values can change, vue should know change keep updated

  1. child instead of index

reason: not sure may because vue holds own copy of indices in virtual dom needs values only


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