angularjs - Ag-Grid require delete button for each row -

i trying implement solution ag-grid , not got stuck problem. trying implement edit , delete button in each row .edit button implementation successful problem delete button. have tried best of knowledge (which little angular 2) .please see implementation per below code:-


import { component } '@angular/core'; import { court } './court.model'; //import './../utils/array.extensions';  import { gridoptions } "ag-grid"; import { datacourtservice } '../services/data-court.service'; import { editbuttoncomponent } "../utils/editbutton.component";   @component({      selector: 'court',     template: require('./court.component.html'),     providers: [datacourtservice] })  export class courtcomponent {    private gridoptions: gridoptions;    public courts : court[];    onquickfilterchanged(event: any) {     this.gridoptions.api.setquickfilter(;    }     constructor() {         var courtservice = new datacourtservice();         this.gridoptions = {             rowselection: 'single'         };        //   this.gridoptions.angularcompilerows = true;         this.gridoptions.columndefs = [              {                 headername: "court name",                 field: "courtname",                                 editable: true                } ,             {                 headername: "action",                 cellrendererframework: editbuttoncomponent,                 colid: "edit"             }          ];          this.gridoptions.rowdata = courtservice.getcourt();      } } 


import {component} "@angular/core"; import {icellrendererangularcomp} "ag-grid-angular/main";  @component({     selector: 'edit-button',     template: `<button (click)="invokeeditmethod()" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span>edit</button>                <button (click)="invokedeletemethod()" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span>delete</button>` }) export class editbuttoncomponent implements icellrendererangularcomp {     public params: any;      aginit(params: any): void {         this.params = params;     } public invokedeletemethod() {        var selecteddata = this.params.api.getselectedrows();        this.params.api.updaterowsdata({remove: selecteddata});                alert("hi");  }     public invokeeditmethod() {            this.params.api.setfocusedcell(this.params.node.rowindex, 'courtname');          this.params.api.starteditingcell({          rowindex: this.params.node.rowindex,         colkey: 'courtname',         }      );     }  } 

in function

public invokedeletemethod() {            var selecteddata = this.params.api.getselectedrows();            this.params.api.updaterowsdata({remove: selecteddata});                    alert("hi");      } 

i recieving error updaterowdata not function. can please me achieve this??


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