Own maven plugin with nested complex objects and default values -

while developing of maven-plugins, came upon idea have more structured way provide configurations, i'm not sure there way works.

is possible have mojo, has instances basesettings , mavensettings used in way, or forced "polute" these fields directly mojos?

import org.apache.maven.plugin.abstractmojo; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.parameter;  public abstract class somespecialabstractmojo extends abstractmojo{      @parameter     protected basesettings basesettings = new basesettings();      @parameter     protected mavensettings mavensettings = new mavensettings(); } 


import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.component; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.parameter; import org.apache.maven.project.mavenproject; import org.apache.maven.project.mavenprojecthelper;  public class mavensettings {      @parameter(name = "project", property = "project", readonly = true, required = true)     protected mavenproject project;      @component     protected mavenprojecthelper projecthelper; } 


import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.parameter;  public class basesettings {      @parameter(name = "skip", defaultvalue = "false")     protected boolean skip = false;      @parameter(name="verbose", defaultvalue = "true")     protected boolean verbose = true; } 

the idea have generic properties bundled own "space", makes mojos smaller, , code more structured.

edit: want have kind of execution-configuration:

<configuration>     <basesettings>         <verbose>true</verbose>     </basesettings>     <!-- mavensettings omitted, want "auto-use-default" here -->     <othercomplexsettings>         <complexvalue1>value1</complexvalue1>     </othercomplexsettings> </configuration> <executions>     <execution>         <id>goal1-call</id>         <goals>             <goal>mojo1</goal>         </goals>         <configuration>             <othercomplexsettings>                 <complexvalue1>override-value1</complexvalue1>             </othercomplexsettings>         </configuration>     </execution>     <execution>         <id>goal2-call</id>         <goals>             <goal>mojo2</goal>         </goals>         <configuration>             <!-- part of mojo2 -->             <anothercomplexsettings>                 <complexvalue3>value3</complexvalue3>             </anothercomplexsettings>         </configuration>     </execution>     <execution>         <id>goal3-call</id>         <goals>             <goal>mojo3</goal>         </goals>         <configuration>             <othercomplexsettings>                 <complexvalue1>override-value012</complexvalue1>             </othercomplexsettings>         </configuration>     </execution>     <execution>         <id>goal4-call</id>         <goals>             <goal>mojo4</goal>         </goals>     </execution> </executions> 


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