node.js - `npm link` works even when I do not `npm link <package_name>` in the desired directory -

i read npm documentation on linking local packages , says need in 2 steps:

  1. navigate local package dir , run npm link
  2. navigate package in intened use package , run npm link <package_name>

for example, if want use packageb dependency in packagea, need go packageb's directory, run npm link, npm link packageb in packagea's directory.

however, in practice, when npm link in packageb's directory , require('packageb') inside packagea, works, , changes in packageb instantly reflected in packagea.

can tell me how happening?

in fact when 'npm link', create link package globally on system (you know it's when "npm install -g xxx").

and when require package via node checks @ many directory (the current node_modules, parent ... & global directory )


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