uwp - GridView with Caliburn.Micro -

i working caliburn.micro (uwp). , want run uwp application on uwp caliburn.micro project. not work.... :(

my binding knowledge maybe wrong. me ?

first here original uwp project github. drag & drop enable gridview. structure simple. there 4 category has books. can drag , drop book change category.

i want run on caliburn.micro(uwp).

enter image description here

and i make code ( upload github ). in opinion, work 50% ..... : )

question #1 : how bind book ? there no display book items... why ?

enter image description here

question #1 : how bind book ? there no display book items... why ?

the problem have not initialized data source in user control constructor. use following code:

public dragdropview() {     this.initializecomponent();     categorycollectionviewsource.source = new sampledata().getcategorydatasource();     bookcollectionviewsource.source = new sampledata().getbookdatasource(); } 


itemssource="{binding source={staticresource categorycollectionviewsource}, mode=twoway}" 

enter image description here


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