javascript - Extension affects another web page -

i having problems creating chrome extensions. code affects pages open in chrome, how can solve it?

my manifest.json:

{     "manifest_version": 2,     "name": "merch tools 41studio",     "description": "report app",     "version": "1.0",     "background": {         "scripts": ["assets/js/jquery.min.js", "assets/js/background.js"]     },     "browser_action": {         "default_icon": "assets/image/icon.png",         "default_popup": "popup.html"     },     "permissions": ["tabs"],     "content_scripts": [{         "matches": ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"],         "js": ["assets/js/jquery.min.js", "assets/js/highcharts.js"]     }] } 

you need limit list of domains content scripts run on changing matches property in content_scripts. having "http://*/*","https://*/*" means content script runs on http , https websites. rather specify list of websites want extension run on.

{   "manifest_version": 2,   "name": "merch tools 41studio",   "description": "report app",   "version": "1.0",   "background": {     "scripts": ["assets/js/jquery.min.js", "assets/js/background.js"]   },   "browser_action": {     "default_icon": "assets/image/icon.png",     "default_popup": "popup.html"   },   "permissions": ["tabs"],   "content_scripts": [{     "matches": ["http:/*"], // change sites want extension run on     "js": ["assets/js/jquery.min.js", "assets/js/highcharts.js"]   }] } 


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