linux - MIPS-I binary on MIPS32 -

i have mipsel linux system , run mipsel binary. executing binary results in

./m1: error while loading shared libraries: tl: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

ldd output looks confusing:

tl => not found nit => not found itpid => not found _file => not found 

file output:

m1: elf 32-bit lsb executable, mips, mips-i version 1 (sysv), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, stripped

readelf output:

elf header:   magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   class:                             elf32   data:                              2's complement, little endian   ident version:                     1 (current)   os/abi:                            unix - system v   abi version:                       0   type:                              exec (executable file)   machine:                           mips r3000 big-endian   version:                           1 (current)   entry point address:               0x40b750   start of program headers:          52 (bytes file)   start of section headers:          1632496 (bytes file)   flags:                             0x1007   size of header:               52 (bytes)   size of program header entries:    32 (bytes)   number of program headers entries: 9   size of section header entries:    40 (bytes)   number of section headers entries: 29   section header string table index: 28  section headers: [nr] name                 type         addr     off    size   es flags lk inf al [ 0] <corrupt>            sht_loproc+3736f72 2d474e2d 2e332e31 34202933 1936683619 xmsingto 841888558 1128726528 673200707 [ 1] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 1196305772 2029332e 2e332e34 47000032 1311599727 wxsn  540689219 1869767464 1869902707 [ 2] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 691220019 0000322e 3a434347 72632820 858665774 st    1953723247 762081135 825050958 [ 3] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 3288627 6328203a 73736f72 6c6f6f74 841888558 ngto  759647789 775106097 874522931 [ 4] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 673200707 6f6f7473 474e2d6c 332e312d 540689219 wasigo 539570990 775106100 1191182386 [ 5] <corrupt>            sht_loos+f747373 2e312d47 29332e33 332e3420 1953723247 waxsito 12846 977486663 1919100960 [ 6] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 825050958 2e342029 322e33 43434700 759647789 axsng 1663574074 1936945010 1819242356 [ 7] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 874522931 43470000 28203a43 736f7263 539570990 axsng 1869575283 1196305772 858665261 [ 8] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 1191182386 6f726328 6f747373 4e2d6c6f 12846 waing 774974791 691220019 858666016 [ 9] <corrupt>            sht_loproc+2632820 2d6c6f6f 312d474e 332e332e 1663574074 waxsingo 775168041 3288627 1128482560 [10] <corrupt>            sht_loos+c6f6f74 2e332e31 34202933 322e332e 1869575283 wxsgt 1128726528 673200707 1936683619 [11] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 858665261 2e332e34 47000032 203a4343 774974791 axsng 1869767464 1869902707 1311599727 [12] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 858666016 3a434347 72632820 7473736f 775168041 axsg  762081135 825050958 858665774 [13] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 1128482560 73736f72 6c6f6f74 2d474e2d 1128726528 amso  775106097 874522931 841888558 [14] <corrupt>            sht_loproc+36f7263 474e2d6c 332e312d 2029332e 1869767464 wamsito 775106100 1191182386 540689219 [15] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 1311599727 29332e33 332e3420 00322e 762081135 waxint 977486663 1919100960 1953723247 [16] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 858665774 00322e33 43434700 6328203a 775106097 ws    1936945010 1819242356 759647789 [17] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 841888558 28203a43 736f7263 6f6f7473 775106100 o     1196305772 858665261 539570990 [18] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 540689219 6f747373 4e2d6c6f 2e312d47 977486663 sngo  691220019 858666016 12846 [19] <corrupt>            sht_loproc+473736f 312d474e 332e332e 2e342029 1936945010 waxsingt 3288627 1128482560 1663574074 [20] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 759647789 34202933 322e332e 43470000 1196305772 wmsgt 673200707 1936683619 1869575283 [21] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 539570990 47000032 203a4343 6f726328 691220019 xmsgt 1869902707 1311599727 774974791 [22] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 12846 72632820 7473736f 2d6c6f6f 3288627 waxing 825050958 858665774 775168041 [23] <corrupt>            sht_loos+328203a 6c6f6f74 2d474e2d 2e332e31 673200707 amsingto 874522931 841888558 1128726528 [24] <corrupt>            sht_loos+f6f7473 332e312d 2029332e 2e332e34 1869902707 xsinto 1191182386 540689219 1869767464 [25] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 774974791 332e3420 00322e 3a434347 825050958 wamsgt 1919100960 1953723247 762081135 [26] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 775168041 43434700 6328203a 73736f72 874522931 wamsgt 1819242356 759647789 775106097 [27] <corrupt>            <unknown>: 1128726528 736f7263 6f6f7473 474e2d6c 1191182386 waig  858665261 539570990 775106100 [28] <corrupt>            sht_loos+f726328 4e2d6c6f 2e312d47 29332e33 1919100960 wamsingo 858666016 12846 977486663  program headers:   type           offset   virtaddr   physaddr   filesiz  memsiz   flg align   phdr           0x000034 0x00400034 0x00400034 0x000120 0x000120 r e 0x4   interp         0x000154 0x00400154 0x00400154 0x00000d 0x00000d r   0x1     [requesting program interpreter: /lib/]   load           0x000000 0x00400000 0x00400000 0x18539c 0x18539c r e 0x10000   load           0x18543c 0x0059543c 0x0059543c 0x007dd4 0x03fb64 rw  0x10000   dynamic        0x000164 0x00400164 0x00400164 0x000120 0x000120 rwe 0x4   gnu_eh_frame   0x185370 0x00585370 0x00585370 0x00002c 0x00002c r   0x4   gnu_relro      0x18543c 0x0059543c 0x0059543c 0x004bc4 0x004bc4 r   0x1   loos+84153728  0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000 0x000000     0x4   null           0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000 0x000000     0x4   section segment mapping:   segment sections...    00         01         02         03         04         05         06         07         08      

file output of working binary on same system:

curl: elf 32-bit lsb executable, mips, mips32 version 1 (sysv), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, gnu/linux 2.6.32, stripped

uname -a:

linux 3.13.5 #1 smp sun mar 5 19:11:59 cet 2017 mips gnu/linux

is there possibility binary running without recompiling it?


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