c - is a compound literal not a literal? -

from c in nutshell:

chapter 3 literals

in c source code, a literal token denotes a fixed value, may integer, floating-point number, character, or string. literal’s type determined value , notation.

the literals discussed here different compound literals, introduced in c99 standard. compound literals ordinary modifiable objects, similar variables. full description of compound literals , special operator used create them, see chapter 5.

so literal has fixed value, i.e. value can't modified, while compound literal has modifiable values.

according that, 1 correct:

  • a compound literal not literal, or
  • the definition of literal should extended include compound literal becomes 1 exception fixed-value rule?


the c11 standard never defines "literal" on own. speaks of "string literal" , "compound literal" individually.

tokens such 0, 0.0, a in enum { }, , '\0' called "constants" collectively, , "integer constants", "floating-point constants", "enumeration constants", , "character constants" respectively.


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