python program to rename the file with current date in MMDDYYY format and send email with attachment -

this question has answer here:

below program send email attachment:

i want rename file student.xlsx student_mmddyyyy.xlsx , send email renamed file , after email sent want delete file. how can that?

here code:

import smtplib email.mime.multipart import mimemultipart email.mime.text import mimetext email.mime.base import mimebase email import encoders fromaddr = "myemailid" toaddr = "toaddress"  msg = mimemultipart() msg['from'] = fromaddr msg['to'] = toaddr msg['subject'] = "please find attachment" body = "hi"  msg.attach(mimetext(body, 'plain'))  filename = "student.xlsx" dt = str( attachment = open("c:\\users\\prashanth\\desktop\\student.xlsx", "rb") part = mimebase('application', 'octet-stream') part.set_payload((attachment).read()) encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('content-disposition', "attachment; filename= %s" % filename)  msg.attach(part)  server = smtplib.smtp('', 587) server.starttls() server.login(fromaddr, "password") text = msg.as_string() server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, text) server.quit() 

you can use os.rename() rename file, , os.remove() remove file. , desired date format can use strftime(), example:

import os datetime import datetime date_now ='%m%d%y') file_one = "c:\\users\\prashanth\\desktop\\student.xlsx" file_two = 'c:\\users\\prashanth\\desktop\\student_{}.xlsx'.format(date_now) os.rename(file_one, file_two) # send email , attach file # , once you're done: os.remove(file_two) 


you need close() file before renaming or removing it, or better yet use with-statement open file , auto close when you're done, example:

attachment = open(file, "rb") part = mimebase('application', 'octet-stream') part.set_payload((attachment).read()) attachment.close() 


with open(file, "rb") attachment:     part = mimebase('application', 'octet-stream')     part.set_payload((attachment).read()) 


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