populate values in textbox if select combobox vb6 -

i using vb 6.0 have 1 form (form1), 1 combobox (combobox1), , 1 textbox (textbox1)i have 1 table (salary) in local database created within project.in table 'salary' have 4 columns (userid - primary key, salary type, salary range)the table has multiple records in it.

what need find out how have textbox populate corresponding columns whatever selected in combobox. , appreciated.

here code used link database vb :

private withevents cmdpopulate commandbutton private withevents dcbdatacombo datacombo  private sub form_load()      dim rs adodb.recordset     dim strconnect string     dim strsql   string      strconnect = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=c:\users\mahmoud\desktop\project\database.mdb;persist security info=false"     strsql = "select distinct * salary order userid asc"  ' set ascending order      set rs = new adodb.recordset     rs        .cursortype = adopenstatic        .locktype = adlockreadonly        .open source:=strsql, _           activeconnection:=strconnect, _           options:=adcmdtext     end      set datacombo1.rowsource = rs     datacombo1.listfield = "userid"     datacombo1.datafield = "userid"  end sub 

you wrote:


but strconnect string, while activeconnection require adodb.connection object, not string. moreover, connection must open:

dim cn adodb.connection set cn = new adodb.connection cn.connectionstring = strconnect cn.open cn.cursorlocation = aduseclient  ' recordset: rs.open strsql, cn, adopenstatic, adlockreadonly, adcmdtext 


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