wix - Properly registering an application that handles websites with windows -

my use of several browsers different purposes has caused me displeased how windows 10 handles default browser choice, decided make small application can pick browser want, or use 1 open browser, if there one.

i have though ran bit of problem getting app list of applications in settings app.

source code available here: https://github.com/mortenn/browserpicker

in particular, registry values have tried setting listed in wix file here: https://github.com/mortenn/browserpicker/blob/master/setup/product.wxs

i based these keys on answer here: how associate application existing file types using wix installer? looking @ how firefox/ie had keys set up.

i found question, how add application in default programs list mentions company must set, have done well, no avail.

i realized mistake. after removing "hkey_classes_root" registry values, started working. see commit details: https://github.com/mortenn/browserpicker/commit/f92e275d3e4d1cd8e7f05554037cfb702b7cfafb


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