python - Using pip runs into an error -

i setup venv python3 , wanna install needed packages pip. on python2.7 works well, python3 run following error:

pip install django==1.11.0 pip configured locations require tls/ssl, ssl module in python not available.

collecting django==1.11.0 not fetch url there problem confirming ssl certificate: can't connect https url because ssl module not available. - skipping not find version satisfies requirement django==1.11.0 (from versions: ) no matching distribution found django==1.11.0

i have seen there possible solution (not verified myselfe) pem-file certificate system.

now questions:

  • is possible deactivate ssl/tls setting?
  • in case of django, how , use certificate work pip successful?
  • is list verified (by community) certificate availablie run packages?

also run following command, run error:

(venv3) pi@robopi:~/projects/django-rpi $ pip3 install --trusted-host django

pip configured locations require tls/ssl, ssl module in python not available. collecting django not fetch url there problem confirming ssl certificate: can't connect https url because ssl module not available. - skipping not find version satisfies requirement django (from versions: ) no matching distribution found django

and have no clue, mistake be.


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