r - Looping through elements of a list and then appending to a new list -

i've been trying write code allow me loop through items of list, each of vector of numeric values. elements of vector meets criterion, want append numbers new list contains vector of numeric values.

my dataset structured following:

col1 col2 col3 .... col29 -11   -10  -9  ....   15 -13   -12  -11 ....   14 

i've tried following code far:

new_list <- list() for(i in 1:length(time_list)) {   for(j in 1:length(time_list[[i]]) {     if(!is.na(time_list[[i]][j]) & time_list[[i]][j] >= 0) {       # stuck here, code i've run gives me error.     }   } } 

i want list that's structured pretty same original, keeping numbers greater or equal 0.

any appreciated.

i call data df

df <- structure(list(time_1 = -13l, time_2 = -12l, time_3 = -11l, time_4 = -10l,          time_5 = -9l, time_6 = -8l, time_7 = -7l, time_8 = -6l, time_9 = -5l,          time_10 = -4l, time_11 = -3l, time_12 = -2l, time_13 = -1l, time_14 = 0l,          time_15 = 1l))  is.pos <- function(x){   (!is.na(x)) & (x >= 0) } 

the function check whether dealing positive number , return either true or false. we'll use indexing:

is.pos(df) # time_1  time_2  time_3  time_4  time_5  time_6  time_7  time_8  time_9 time_10  # false   false   false   false   false   false   false   false   false   false  # time_11 time_12 time_13 time_14 time_15  # false   false   false    true    true   df[is.pos(df)] # $time_14 # [1] 0 #  # $time_15 # [1] 1 


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