Python: Having confusion in Regex -

my code (in python 2.7 using anaconda),

import re regex = r"([a-z]+) (\d+)" str = "hello 3 hello regex example" matchobject =, str) print matchobject if matchobject not none:     print matchobject.start()     print matchobject.end()     print     print     print 

when regex search pattern return output in format:

line 1: <_sre.sre_match object @ 0x10a2568b0> line 2: 0 line 3: 7 line 4: hello 3 line 5: hello line 6: 3 

i have added line number in output better understanding, line 1 of output confusing, , line 3 (output=7) confusing. can explain line 1 , line 3 of output?

those print numbers correspond print statements

print matchobject #line 1, python has interpret regex match object string , gives it's type , address if matchobject not none:     print matchobject.start() #line 2, full match "hello 3", 0 chars away start of input     print matchobject.end() #line 3, full match "hello 3", ends after 7 characters     print #line 4, full match (regex group 0) "hello 3"     print #line 5, captured hello first parens     print #line 6, captured 3 second 

nothing here seems incorrect me


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