bots - Add label to an intent of a composite entity in LUIS via LUIS API using c# -

i figured out how add label intent, not sure how can composite entities. here code working fine non-composite entities;

public static void addlabels(string originalmessage, string intent, list<label> labels)         {             var client = new httpclient();             var querystring = httputility.parsequerystring(string.empty);              var uri = "" + querystring;              // request headers             client.defaultrequestheaders.add("ocp-apim-subscription-key", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");              httpresponsemessage response;             string body = string.empty;             string entitylabels = string.empty;              //get position of labels             foreach (var label in labels)             {                 entitylabels += label.tostring() + ",";             }             //remove last ","             entitylabels = entitylabels.remove(entitylabels.length - 1, 1);              body = string.format("{{\"exampletext\": \"{0}\", \"selectedintentname\": \"{1}\", \"entitylabels\": [", originalmessage, intent);             body += entitylabels + "]}";             byte[] bytedata = encoding.utf8.getbytes(body);               using (var content = new bytearraycontent(bytedata))             {                 content.headers.contenttype = new mediatypeheadervalue("application/json");                 try                 {                     response = client.postasync(uri, content).result;                 }catch(exception ex)                 {                  }             }          } 

any appreciated.

i found answer, need add 1 more label in list of labels composite entity name , pass list of labels above method , automatically resolves relationship you.

for example; if contact composite entity , contact.firstname , contact.lastname child entities.

so in below example scenario; original message : want create sam smith new contact. word marked label: sam intent label : contact.firstname word marked label: smith intent label : contact.lastname now, parent contact, use statement needs marked : create sam smith new contact label intent : contact wrap both firstname , lastname within contact composite entity.


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