java - Selenium Webdriver - Drag and drop does not work -

i know there several posts issue. tried solutions in project unable make drag , drop work. using following code:

webdriver driver = new chromedriver(); webelement dragableelement =  driver.findelement(by.classname("dragelement")); webelement dropablecontainer = driver.findelement(by.xpath("//* [@id='contentcollection_xyz']"));  actions builder = new actions(driver); action draganddrop = builder.clickandhold(dragableelement)    .movetoelement(dropablecontainer)    .release(dropablecontainer)    .build(); draganddrop.perform(); 

this drops dragable element before dropable container.

i have gotten drag , drop work selenium, poorly worded question though. need more details, , stack overflow not place find "share screen with".


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