wso2 - Handling key-value-pair arrays in ESB API -

we working esb 4.8.1 , bps 3.5. we'd love upgrade, management resistant.

the bps returns of data in form of arrays of key-value-pairs, example

"variables":     [{"name":"valid","type":"boolean","value":true,"scope":"global"},     {"name":"processcomments","value":null,"scope":"global"},     {"name":"vesselstatus","type":"string","value":"s","scope":"global"},     ...] 

some of need parse more conventional json, e.g.

"variables":{"valid":true, "vesselstatus":"s"} 

and in many cases variable names , formats of values must me massaged ui, or specific values must extracted call soap services.

there didn't seem obvious iterative logic mediator, , don't think i'd want use if there was, we've been using class mediators store of our esb-layer logic. we've released product , entered maintenance cycle want refactor better process.

i ask question: there "best" or "right" way we're trying do?

have @ payload mediator[1] if these payloads static, if not use xslt mediator[2].

[1] [2]


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