caching - Laravel - Which cache driver to use? -

this first time dealing caching, , though looked through laravel docs , other various sites instructions of how set up, i'm still @ bit of loss 1 use , different cache drivers do.

my current scenario have scheduling system can create pdfs of current week of classes. can choose date in future , make pdf of week well. frontend feature, visits site able use it. there many classes , variations of patterns classes can have, query have lot of records through. driver best out of supported cache drivers?? (apc, array, database, file, memcached & redis)

brownie points

i'd understanding of use , why can make best decisions future projects. each do/when best use them?? -- doesn't need answered accepted answer, i'd know.


typically use cache frequent queries (when need perform particular read op write not frequently). if isn't case, fallback db.

looking @ use case, sounds it's batch job run once week. so, it's infrequent task , data fresh every week. hope achieve caching?


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