pycharm - How can I divide a circle into equal rings area in python? -

`enter image description here[enter image description here][2]i'm new on python. objective divide circle of size 10 equal areas 1 smaller inner circle , 9 rings.

let radius of outer circle r. let radius of 10 circles r_1,r_2,…r_10. area of circle is a=πr^2, want πr^2/100=π(r_i^2-r_(i-1)^2) , r_10=r , r_0=0. gives r_i= r sqrt(i/10) example if want divide circle radius of r=0.125 m n=10 equal rings correlation of radius sth like: ri= r * sqrt(i/10) i=[1,2,3,..,10]

so when define list 0-100, how can apply above correlation every elements of list?


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