c - OpenBLAS vs GSL, subset cross compilation -

this might loaded question, bear me.

i have built openblas (on linux platform) , have read on gsl, not think either fit needs. in lua, writing classes rely on elementary linear operations (matrix-matrix, matrix-vector, hadamard products, transpose -i.e. subset of levels 2/3 in blas). moreover, single precision. want compile shared library of subset of operations need can load them luajit's ffi , want do.

still, have multiple devices different hardware , os's naturally (several computers running linux, windows , android devices) compile separate libraries for, not new library each device 1 linux, 1 windows, 1 android.

for example, want library all.so , load following lua code:

local ffi=require "ffi" local all=ffi.load("all") ffi.cdef[[     --functions in library ]] --use functions e.g. all.sgemv(...) 

is possible without having edit of source (like go through many scripts , change export statements or something)?


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