python - ~/virtualenvs/venv instead of ./venv -

i in team programmers. integrated virtualenvwrapper, since working on several projects. in team project, take account virtualenv located directly in project. hence, many files path directly ./venv/bin/python, , supervisor didn't want customize it. virtualenv on project located in ~/.virtualenvs. there clever idea link ./venv/bin/python ~/.virtualenvs/bin/python without changing nature of files? clear, path of virtual ~/virtualenvs/venv instead of ./venv. works if write ln -s ~/virtualenvs/venv ./venv, not clean such things. that's why wanted clean.


i have shell command , works well.

#!/bin/bash  cd ~ cd ./projects/work_projects/24-django/ workon venv 

i have management command named reboot-db-local

#!/bin/bash  source .mysql-context \ && mysql -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_password -e "drop database credit24h_dev;" \ && mysql -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_password -e "create database credit24h_dev charset=utf8;" \ && ./venv/bin/python migrate \ && ./load-fixtures \ && ./venv/bin/python check_permissions 


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