Google Analytics API sometimes returns nothing -

i using google analytics api in javascript within mvc project. when make queries, data , empty object. there no errors in console when happens. also, happens queries , never happens others.
don't think it's sampling issue, because dealing low numbers (usually single digit). also, have tried setting sampling level high no change in behavior. here example of query returns empty me:

var rangedfirstload = new{             query: {                 'ids': viewid,                 'start-date': mindatechart,                 'end-date': maxdatechart,                 'metrics': 'ga:totalevents',                 'dimensions': 'ga:operatingsystem',                 'filters': filterquery + ';ga:eventaction==first load',                 'samplinglevel': 'higher_precision'             },             chart: {                 'container': 'chart-rangedfirstload-container',                 'type': 'table',                 'options': {                     'width': '100%'                 }             }         });         rangedfirstload.on('success', function (resp) {          //do stuff         }); 

the variables same every query use. 'first load' event created in app. i've tried , without higher precision. out of twenty queries use, 2 of them return empty. thank you.


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