highcharts - fHighcharts Isomorphic rendering / web-workers -

we have application renders ~50 (high)charts simultaneously on dashboard. thing browser freezes when charts getting rendered. (i tried using boost , virtual scroll). makes worse our users have datalabels on.

a fiddle experiments: http://jsfiddle.net/z9msdftt/1/

var to; $('#charts').scroll((e) => {     cleartimeout(to);         = settimeout(() => {         var offset = math.floor($('#charts').scrolltop() / 400);         var start = new date();         [...array(5)].foreach((_, i) => {             renderchart(offset + i);         });         var end = new date();         $('#counter').html('time rendering: ' + (end - start) + 'ms');     }, 50); }); 

is there way can speed maybe by:

  1. doing initial server rendering of svg , handle further interactions on client side (isomorphic render)


  1. using webworkers calculations parallely , rendering charts.

any help, appreciated.

you can try highcharts boost.js speed rendering process.

this speed problem general in svg based chart libraries. performance decreases after adding couple hundreds of points chart or adding multiple charts same page.

boost.js using html5 canvas technology drawing graph on html5 canvas copying content of chart svg.


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