excel - match criteria and repeat value -

i'm trying create dynamic formula match location , start_time , copy value based on replicate count.

i'm able index/match location , start_time value unable include dynamic formula have value replicate

sample data:

enter image description here

ideal outcome:

enter image description here

any suggestions appreciated!

so know first value should go, i'll leave you.

to fill voids in between use formula this:


here assumed sample data in a1 d7 , ideal outcome starts in e1 , filled 0.12 in cell f2. formula entered in f3 , dragged down. thing need adapt replace absolute reference f2 formula find cell values insert first data.

the first part of formula:


checks if cell directly above cell formula in blank. if blank returned, otherwise rest of formula executed.

the second if statement:


checks if current row number less or equal first row number value occured (cell f2) plus amount of repetitions minus 1 (as there 1 value in f2)

the last part of formula:


then fills in appropriate value using index(match()) against input data.


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