excel vba - Appending ranges based on a two dimensional conditional loop and exporting to a PDF -

i've tried looking @ other questions, doesn't seem work me. have worksheet called materialflow in have many columns , rows need columns (ones hard code) , rows (ones have word "card") in 8th column copied tab exported pdf keep getting errors. here code. i've managed copy "card" containing rows don't know how simultaneously of columns , associated headers. additionally, column qualifies row excluded, makes difficult.

sub racks_list() dim sws worksheet dim rl worksheet set sws = sheets("materialflow") set rl = sheets("reports") dim slr long dim sr long dim l long dim counter range dim comb_range range dim bigrange range dim headers range dim cardcount long dim mycount long cardcount = 0 mycount = 1 each counter in worksheets("materialflow").range("h9", "h500")     if counter.value = "card"         cardcount = cardcount + 1         if mycount = 1 set comb_range = counter.entirerow         set comb_range = application.union(comb_range, counter.entirerow)         mycount = mycount + 1      end if next worksheets("reports").activate 'copying headers headers.copy destination:=worksheets("reports").range(cells(1, 1), cells(1, 25)) 'copying card data  if cardcount > 0     comb_range.copy destination:=worksheets("reports").range("a2", "as500") 'rl.range("a1", "as500") = comb_range  else     rl.range("a1", "a2").value = "did not work"  end if   rl.range(cells(1, 1), cells(slr, 21))  .exportasfixedformat type:=xltypepdf, filename:="c:\users\******\desktop\racks.pdf", quality:= _  xlqualitystandard, includedocproperties:=true, ignoreprintareas:=false, _  openafterpublish:=true  end   worksheets("materialflow").activate  end sub 

it seems need 10 points post pic looks this. want copy info in headers 1, 3 , 5 , rows "card" tab

header1 header2 header3 header4 header5

data data card data data

data data call data data

data data empty data data


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