How to sum values of matching columns while merging two dataframes in r -

i have 2 dataframes in r

ship_no    bay_1   bay_2    bay_3    bay_5     bay_6  abc        0       10       15       20        30  def        10      20       0        25        10  ert        0       10       0        10         0   ship_no    bay_1   bay_2    bay_7    bay_5     bay_6  abc        10      10       10       0         0  def        10      10       0        15        10  ert        0       0        0        10        0 

i want add columns values while merging above 2 dataframes on column key ship_no

my desired dataframe be

ship_no    bay_1   bay_2    bay_3    bay_5     bay_6     bay_7   abc        10      20       15       20        30       10   def        20      30       0        40        20        0   ert        0       10       0        20        0         0 

how can in r?

we can place datasets in list, use rbindlist rbind datasets, grouped 'ship_no', sum of other columns

library(data.table) rbindlist(list(df1, df2), fill = true)[,lapply(.sd, sum, na.rm = true) , ship_no] #   ship_no bay_1 bay_2 bay_3 bay_5 bay_6 bay_7 #1:     abc    10    20    15    20    30    10 #2:     def    20    30     0    40    20     0 #3:     ert     0    10     0    20     0     0 

another option dplyr

library(dplyr) bind_rows(df1, df2) %>%             group_by(ship_no) %>%             summarise_all(funs(sum(., na.rm = true))) # tibble: 3 x 7 #  ship_no bay_1 bay_2 bay_3 bay_5 bay_6 bay_7 #    <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> #1     abc    10    20    15    20    30    10 #2     def    20    30     0    40    20     0 #3     ert     0    10     0    20     0     0 


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