java - Why subtraction give the wrong result between numbers of clock? -

the program doesn't give error codes don't work correctly. when subtract between numbers of clock, makes wrong.

for example, when subtract between 15:00 , 18:00, results 12:00 instead of 3:00.

edit: found new bug. when compare time 15:00, result 12 every time. problem may in other things. (for instance, 15:00-16:00=12 or 15:00-19:00=12)

(in addition, use library github clock.)

 private string starttime = "";  @bind(  circleseekbar mseekbar;  list<item> messages = new arraylist<>();  private date finishing, starting;  private long difference, a, b;  simpledateformat format = new simpledateformat("hh:mm");    public void restart()  {     mseekbar.setissetstart(false);  if (isaddmessage) {         messages.add(new item(starttime,                 mseekbar.getcurrent()));         starttime = mseekbar.getcurrent();         try {             finishing = format.parse(starttime);             b = finishing.gettime();         } catch (parseexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         isaddmessage = false;      } else {         if (isfirst) {              mseekbar.initinvaildstartangle();             isfirst = false;             starttime = mseekbar.getcurrent();             try {                 starting =format.parse((mseekbar.getcurrent()));                 = starting.gettime();             } catch (parseexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }          } else {             isaddmessage = true;              difference = a-b;             int minutes = (int) ((difference / (1000 * 60)) % 60);             int hours = (int) ((difference / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24) - 1;             text.settext((hours + ":" + minutes));            // text.settext(integer.tostring((int) difference));         } 

it looks a starting time , b ending time.

b = finishing.gettime(); ... = starting.gettime(); 

yet when take difference subtract b a. backwards.

difference = a-b;  //oops! 

if want time elapsed, should subtract a b instead.

difference = b - a; 


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