pdf - Lowercase letter L in R plot/expression -

i trying use computer modern font when making pdf r. have expression should contain lowercase l. since looks 1, instead use ℓ. have far been incapable of doing this.

minimal working example:

library(extrafont) pdf("ell_plot.pdf", width=5.5, height=5, font="cm roman") plot(1, xlab="\u{2113}") dev.off() embed_fonts("ell_plot.pdf", outfile="ell_plot.pdf") 

error message:

47: in text.default(x, y, ...) : conversion failure on 'ℓ' in 'mbcstosbcs': dot substituted <e2> 

and "..." there should \ell.

it shows if use cairo_pdf instead of pdf, computer modern doesn't work.


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