javascript - Extract Yelp's rating -

i have locations.json file store titles, locations (lat, long), , phone numbers. issue i'm facing right might seem trivial others beginner couldn't work way like. want extract ratings yelp's api v3 , add locations.rating array. code have below appends whole response object return yelp, when tried console.log (response.businesses[0].rating) able print out rating. how make return rating? in advance.

var yelpphonesearch = ""; var cors_anywhere_url = '';  // yelp v3 api doesn't support cors, need use 3rd party proxy service var locations = []; $.getjson('/locations.json', function(data){   (var = 0; < data.length; i++) {     var schools = {};     schools.title = data[i].title;     schools.location = data[i].location; = data[i].phone;     schools.rating = $.ajax({       "async": true,       "crossdomain": true,       "url": cors_anywhere_url + yelpphonesearch + data[i].phone,       "method": "get",       "headers": {         "authorization": "bearer " + yelptoken.access_token,         "cache-control": "public, max-age=31536000",       }     }).done(function(response){       // console.log(response);       var rating = response.businesses[0].rating;       return rating;     });     // push infos locations array     locations.push(schools);   } }); 

using jquery promises (which regular promises except guaranteed available in old browsers) can rewrite code so

var yelpphonesearch = ""; var cors_anywhere_url = '';  // yelp v3 api doesn't support cors, need use 3rd party proxy service  $.getjson('/locations.json') .then(function(data){     return $.when.apply($, {         return $.ajax({             "async": true,             "crossdomain": true,             "url": cors_anywhere_url + yelpphonesearch +,             "method": "get",             "headers": {                 "authorization": "bearer " + yelptoken.access_token,                 "cache-control": "public, max-age=31536000",             }         }).then(function(response) {             return {                 title: school.title,                 location: school.location,                 phone:,                 rating: response.businesses[0].rating             };         });     })); }).then(function() {     var locations = [];     /* here locations array of      {         title,         location,         phone,         rating     }     */ }); 

note: because of asynchronous nature of $.ajax can't access array of results outside of last .then because asynchronous code asynchronous

for completeness - es2015+ native promises, code be

$.getjson('/locations.json').then(data =>      promise.all( =>          $.ajax({             "async": true,             "crossdomain": true,             "url": cors_anywhere_url + yelpphonesearch +,             "method": "get",             "headers": {                 "authorization": "bearer " + yelptoken.access_token,                 "cache-control": "public, max-age=31536000",             }         }).then(response => ({             title: school.title,             location: school.location,             phone:,             rating: response.businesses[0].rating         }))     )) ).then(locations => {     /* here locations array of      {         title,         location,         phone,         rating     }     */ }); 

if need access locations in other parts of code, , assuming code in question not taken function (i.e. vars global scoped)

var yelpphonesearch = ""; var cors_anywhere_url = '';  // yelp v3 api doesn't support cors, need use 3rd party proxy service  var locations = $.getjson('/locations.json') .then(function(data){     return $.when.apply($, {         return $.ajax({             "async": true,             "crossdomain": true,             "url": cors_anywhere_url + yelpphonesearch +,             "method": "get",             "headers": {                 "authorization": "bearer " + yelptoken.access_token,                 "cache-control": "public, max-age=31536000",             }         }).then(function(response) {             return {                 title: school.title,                 location: school.location,                 phone:,                 rating: response.businesses[0].rating             };         });     })); }).then(function() {     return []; }); 

now, in code ever need use locations, you'll need access result using typical promise methodology

locations.then(function(value) {     // in here,  value array of locations }); 

without seeing how using locations in actual code, may not easy above, because, once deal asynchronous code, need deal properly


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