java - bus company using only arithmetics -

my homework assignment is: run bus company , need know how many buses need used, based on number of seats in bus , number of passengers. example: if have 17 passengers , 3 seat bus, have use 6 buses. 5 buses first 15 people , 1 2 remaining.

i cant use loops, if statements, or recursion, arithmetic.

this pseudo code it's wrong:

    numbus=numofpeople / seat;     remain=numofpeople % seat;      temp=numofbus % remain;     orderbus=numbus+temp;     system.out.println(orderbus); 

since given strict requirement on no loops , ifs, can't use ternary operator well. in fact, don't need those.

it can simple as:


for example (math.ceil(17/3.0)); gives 6.0. need quotient dividing passengers seats. if quotient not whole number, round one. achieved using math.ceil().

so if there remainders, round 1 (1 more bus ferry rest of passengers)


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